Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
and Pines,
behind him. — He felt indeed al::
most distracted with his fears, and shuttinghis Eyes till he arrived at the Village to
pre::vent his seeing either Gipsies or Ghosts, herode on a full
gallop all the way. On hisstet1 [Displacement] James Edward Austen return home, he rang the housebell, but no
one appeared, a second time he rang, but the door was not opened, a
third & a fourthwith as little succeſs, when
observing the diningparlour window open
ed he leapt in, & persued his way through the
house tillhe reached Maria'sDreſsingroom, wherehe found all
the servants aſsembled at teaSurprized at so very unusual a
sight, he fainted, on his recovery he found himselfon the Sofa, with his wife's maid kneelingby him,
chafing his temples with Hungarywater –––. From her he learned
that his beloved Maria had been so much grieved at his
departure that she died of a brokenheart about 3 hours after his
- 1.
- Pencilled insertion, possibly in a hand other than JA's.Back to context...