Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
James Edward Austen He then became sufficiently composedto give
neceſsary orders for her funeral which took place
the Monday followingthis being the Saturday –When Mr Gowerhad settled the order of the proceſsion he set out
himself to Carlisle, to give vent to his sorrow in the bosom of
hisfamily – He arrived there in high health& Spirits, after a delightful journey of
3days & a 1/2 ––– What was his surprizeon entering the Breakfast parlour to see Rosa his beloved
Rosa seated on a
chaise longSofa; at the sight of him she fainted
& would have fallen hadnot a Gentleman sitting with his back to the door, started up
& saved her fromsinking to the ground —
She very soon came to herself & then introduced thisgentleman to her Brother as herHusband a Mr Davenport —