Sanditon: Diplomatic DisplayCambridgeKing's College Cambridge, No Accession Number
house ina very inferior part of London, cd .couldoffer.1for the rest of her stay. — She went; – was delighted
with her welcome & the hospitality & attention she
received fromevery body — found her good Cousins the B–––beyond her expectationwere worthy people – &
finally was impelled by a personal knowledge of their narrowIncome & pecuniary difficulties, to invite
oneof the girls of the family to paſs the Winterwith her. The invitation was to
one, for sixmonths — with the probability of anotherbeing then
to take her place; – but inselecting the one, Lady D.Denham had shewn thegood part of her Character – for paſsing bythe actual daughters of the House, she hadchosen Clara, a Neice —, more helpleſs &more
pitiable of course than any — adependant on Poverty – an additional Bur::then on an encumbered Circle – & one, whohad been so low in every
worldly veiw, as with all
her natural endowments & powers, to havebeen preparing
fora situation little better thana Nursery Maid. — Clara had returned
withher – & by her good sense & meritsweetneſsunpretending manners had now, to all appearance secured a very
stronghold in Lady D.'sDenham's regard. The six months had longbeen over — & not a syllable was breathed ofany
change, or exchange. – She was a generalfavourite; – the influence of her steady conductgood Judgement& mild, unaſsuming, gentle Temper was felt by
everybody. The prejudices which had met her atfirst in some
quarters, were all diſsipated. Shewas felt to be
worthy of Trust — to be the verycompanion who wd .would guide & soften Lady DDenham — whowd .would enlarge her mind & open her hand. —
She was asthoroughly amiable as she was lovely — & sincehavingshe had had the advantage of their Sanditon Breezes [Displacement]
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- Full stop after 'offer' added as inline insertion following the deletion of the subsequent phrase.Back to context...