Sanditon: Diplomatic DisplayCambridgeKing's College Cambridge, No Accession Number
A Gentleman & Lady travelling from
Tun-bridge towards that part of the SuſsexCoast which lies between Hastings &E.EastBourne, being
induced by Busineſs to
quitwere, on quitting the highroad, & toiltoilingattempt a very rough
Laneup a very long steep hillwerethrough a rough Lane,1 overturned intoiling up its' long ascenthalf rock, half
sand. – The accidenthappened just beyond the only Gentleman'sHouse near the Lane —atheHouse, whichtheir Driver on beingfirst required to taketurn thatdirection,way, had conceived to be neceſsarily
theirobject, & had with most unwilling Looksbeen constrained to paſs by –––.two minutesHe had
grumbled, & shaken his Shouldersbefore grumbling so much indeed, & looking and pitied & cutso black, & pitying & cutting his Horses sosharplymuch; that he might have been open to the suspicion of
overturning them on pur::pose (especially as
the Carriage was not his Mastersnotthe Gentleman's2 own) if
the roadhad notindisputably & evidently become considerablymuch worse than before, as soon as thepremises
of the said House werepaſsed left behind —sayingexpreſsing, with aas Bad
as it had most intelligent portentousand seemingbeen before – the Change seemed to say,countenance that beyond it no wheels but cartwheels could safely
proceed.coul ever thought of proceeding.
she was become that Lovelineſs was complete.
- 1.
- Comma has been repurposed as caret.Back to context...
- 2.
- RWC assumes an error here and that 'the Gentleman's' should have been deleted leaving 'was not his Masters own'.Back to context...