The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
two long Tables were preparedset out, Ld .Lord Osborne wasto be seen quite aloneseated at the end of one, as if re:away from:treating as far as he could from theeverybody else, as if to
enjoy his own Thoughts.Ball, to enjoy his own thoughts, & gape without1restraint. – Charles instantly pointed him outto Emma – "There’s
Lord Osborne –he cried —.Let you & I go & sit by him. —But To this2Emma could "No, no, you must sit with mysaid Emma laughing not quite agree to
this, & Charles at any rate party friends." easily over ruled –. very happy, was
contented to sit where she chose; & when she soon afterwards& she saw Ld .Lord Osborne so soon afterwards driven a party, she did notaway by
the approach of others that she cd .couldfail to obsremark3that they should probably
have to his how very unwelcomenot imagine the Companionableneſs of eitherbeen very little welcome themselves been at all Charles or herself
would have given his Ld ::to his taste.ship much Charles was now free enough tohazard a few questions in his turn.
"What o’clockwas it? –" almost "Eleven." – "Eleven! – And I am not at all sleepy. Mama said I should be a::sleep before ten. — Do you think Miſs Osbornewill keep her word with me, when Tea is over?" "Oh! yes – I suppose so." –tho’thoughsheEmma felt thatshe had no better reason to give than thatnothing to guide her beleif, but MiſsOsborne’s4 had nothaving broken kept it before. ––– "When shall you come to Osborne Castle?" — "Never,probably. — I am not acquainted with the family."
- 1.
- 'out' squeezed at end of line, changing 'with' to 'without'?Back to context...
- 2.
- 'But' seems to have been added later; it is crowded against 'To' which is capitalized. Back to context...
- 3.
- 'remark' seems originally begun as 'observe'; 'obs' has been overwritten.Back to context...
- 4.
- ''s' of 'Osborne's' left in error after the phrase was revised.Back to context...