The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
"But you may come to Wickstead & see Mama,& she can take you to the Castle. — There is amonstrous curious stuff’dstuffedFox there, & a Badger –any body would think they were alive. It isa pity you should not see them." –––
On rising from theTeaTables, there wereas1
againa scramble for the pleasure of being first outof the room, which happened to be& it was increased by one or twosome of thecard parties havingjust broken up & the playerstheir membersbeing disposed to movecome exactly the differentway. Among these was Mr .
Howard — his Sisterleaning on his arm — & no sooner were they withinhad they met, reach ofthan Emma, than Mrs . B.Blake calling her notice bya friendly touch, said "Your goodneſs
to Charles, my dear Miſs Watson, brings all his family upon meyou2.Give
me leave to introduce my Brother — Mr . HHoward." Emma curtsied, the gentleman bowed — madea
hasty request for the honour of her hand in the two next dances, to which as hasty
an af::firmative was given, & they were immediatelyimpelled in opposite directions. different ways. ––– Emma was verywell pleased with the circumstance; – there wasa quietly-chearful, gentlemanlike
air in Mr . H.Howardwhich suited her —she liked greatly approved — & in a fewminutes afterwards, the value of her Engagement
- 1.
- 'were' altered to 'was'.Back to context...
- 2.
- 'you' written over another word, possibly 'me'.Back to context...