The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
Ld .Lord Osborne’s Hounds,."1––– At the end of these DancesEmma found they
were to drink tea; — Miſs E.Edwardesgave her a caution to be at hand, in a mannerwhich convinced her of Mrs .. E’sEdwardes's holding it veryimportant to have them bothveiwwithin a yardclose to her of her, when she moved into the Tearoom;& Emma
was accordingly on the alert to gainherthe proper station. It was always the pleasure of thecompany always to have a little bustle &croud when they thus adjourned for refresh:what:ment; — & in paſsing thro’through the The Tea room
was a small room within the Card
room,Card room wherenine out of ten had no inclination latter, where the paſsage was straightened by Tables, Mrs . E.Edwardes& her party were for a few moments hemmedunable to in. It happenedproceed. Emma saw herself close by Lady Os::borne’s Caſsino Table; Mr . Howard who belonged to it & saw at the same time Spoke to his Nephew; & Emma on perceivingherself the object of attention ofto2 both to Ly.LadyO.Osborne & him, that both Lady & Gentleman were had just turnedaway her eyes in time, to avoid seeming to hearwhen she heard her youngcompanionpartner delightedly whisper aloudin a very audiblevoice to his UncleMr .H.Howard — "Oh! Uncle, do look at mypartner. She is so pretty!" To her great releif —As3 They were imme::diately in motion againhowever,& Charles was hurried off from left his Unclewithout being able to receive his Uncle’s suf::frage. ––– On entering the Tea room, in which
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- There are closing speech marks but no opening ones. JA has forgotten that Charles Blake's communication is not offered as direct speech.Back to context...
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- 'to' written over 'of'.Back to context...
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- 'As' written over a long dash.Back to context...