The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
engaged this week. cried the boy. & we areto dance
down every couple." – On the other sideof Emma, Miſs Osborne, Miſs Carr, & a partyof young Men were
standing engaged in very livelyfluentconsultation – & soon afterwardsafter a short time she sawthe smartest officer of the Sett, walking offto the Orchestra to order the dance,
whileMiſs Osborne paſsing before her, to herlittle expecting Partner hastily said — "Charles,I beg your pardon for not keeping my engagement,1to you, but I am going to dance these two danceswith Coln .Colonel Beresford. I know you will excuse me,& I will certainly dance
with you after Tea." And without staying for an
answer,she turnedagain to Miſs Carr, & in another minute
wasled by Col.Colonel Beresford to begin the Set. the top of the room. —If the poor little boy’s face had been interesting in its'
happineſsin its' happineſs to Emma, it was infinitely moreso underin this sudden reverse; – he stood the pictureof
disappointment, with crimson’dcrimsoned cheeks, quiveringlips, & eyes bent on the floor. His mother,
stiflingher own mortificationangry feelings, tried to sooth his, withthe prospect of Miſs
Osborne’s secondary promise;
- 1.
- Comma an inline insertion, following the deletion of 'to you'.Back to context...