The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
but tho'though he contrived to utter with an effort ofBoyishBravery "Oh! I do not mind it" — it was veryevident by the unceasing agitation of his
featuresthat he minded it as much as ever. — Emmadid not
think, or reflect; — she felt & acted —. "I shall be very happy to dance with you Sir, ifyou like it." said she holding out her hand, with the most unaffectedgood humour. — The Boy in one moment restored towas again all made ofall his first delight —looked joyfully at his Motherwanted no farther solicitation;butand1instantly stepping forward with an honest && with a Thank you, as honest as his Smiles,simple"Thank you"Maam" was instantly ready2held out his hand in a hurry to to attend hisnew acquaintance. — The Thankfulneſsgratitude of Mrs . Blakewas more diffuse; –
with a look, most expreſsivetruly gratified lookof Astonishment unexpected pleasure, & she of livelyGratitudeThankfulneſs, she turned to her neighbour withrepeated & fervent
acknowledgements offor so great& condescending a kindneſs to her boy. – Emmawith great perfect truth could aſsure heraſsured Mrs . B.Blake that shecould not be giving greater pleasure than shefelt
herself – & Charles being provided with hisgloves & charged
to keep them on, they joinedthe Set which was now rapidly
forming, with nearly equal complacency. ––– It was a Partner::ship which cd .could not be noticed without surprise.It gained her a broad stare from Miſs Osborne & Miſs
- 1.
- 'and' written over 'but'.Back to context...
- 2.
- Part of a superlinear revision which originally read '"Thank you" was instantly ready', JA subsequently squeezed in the word 'Maam', requiring the overwriting of the first set of closing quotation marks, and their reinsertion.Back to context...