The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
Ld .Lord Osborne was a very fine young man;but there was an air of, Coldneſs, of Careleſsneſs, even
ofAwkwardneſs about him, which seemed tospeak him out of his Element in a Ball
room. He came in fact only because it was judgedexpedient for him to please the BoroughTown — he was notfond of Women’s company, & henever danced. —Mr . Howard was an1veryagreable-lookingMan, alittle more than Thirty. –––At the conclusion of the two Dances, Emma
foundherself, she knew not how, seated amongst theOsborne Set; & she was immediately struckwith the fine Countenance & animated ges::tures of the little boy,
as he was standing before his Mother, wondering when
theyshould begin. — "You will not be surprisedwonder atCharles’s impatience, said Mrs .. Blake,
alively pleasant-looking little Woman of 5 or6 &
30, to a Lady who was standing nearher,when you know what a partner he isto have. Miſs
Osborne has been so very kind as to promise to dance the two 1stdances with him." —"Oh! yes – we have been
- 1.
- From the crowding of the letters, 'a' was evidently changed to 'an' (by inline insertion of 'n'), presumably when 'very' was deleted.Back to context...