The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
within, the important Party, preceded by
the attentive Master of the Inn to
open a door whichwas never shut, made their appearance. Theyconsisted of Ly.Lady Osborne, her son Ld .Lord Osborne, herdaughter Miſs Osborne; Miſs Carr,
her daughter’sfriend, Mr .. Howard formerly Tutor to Ld .Lord Osborne,now Clergyman of the Parish in which the Castlestood, Mrs .. Blake, ahis widow-sister who livedwith him, her son a fine boy of 10 years old,& Mr . Tom Musgrave; who had probablyimprisoned within his own room, had been listening in bitter impatience to thesound of the Music, for the last half hour.In their progreſs
up the room, they pausedalmost immediately behind Emma, to receivethe Compts .Compliments of some acquaintance, & she heardLy.Lady Osborne observe that they had made awere comepoint of coming early for the gratificationof Mrs . Blake’s little boy, who was uncommonlyfond of dancing. ––– Emma looked at them allas they paſsed – but cheiflyher eyes & with most intereston Tom Musgrave, who was certainly a
genteel, good looking young man. ––– Of the females, Ly.LadyOsborne had bywas the much the finest person; –tho’thoughnearly 50, she was very handsome, & had allquitethe Dignityair of a woman of Rank. –––