The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
easy familiarity air; —&
yYou1 are determined tobe in good time I see, as usual. — The CandlesWe shall are but this moment lit —" & I am waiting have an2 a famous Ball. – The Osbornes are "I like to get a good seat aſsure you
of by thecertainly coming,
I can answer for that; Ifire you know, Mr . Musgrave." replied Mrs . E.Edwardeswas with Ld . Osborne this morng .morning––– "I am this moment going to dreſs, said he —I am
waiting for my stupid fellow. ––– Weshall have a famous Ball, The Osbornes arecertainly coming; you may depend
upon thatfor I was with Ld . Osborne this morng .morning–––"
The party paſsed on — Mrs . E’sEdwardes'ssattin gown sweptalong the clean bafloor3 of the Ball-room, to the firewhereplace at the upper end, where one party only were formally seated, while& athree or four Officerswere lounging together, about, & paſsing backwards & forwardsin & out from the adjoining card--room. —
A very stiff meeting between thesenear neighbours ensued — & as
soon as they wereall dulely4placedseated again, Emma in the lowquietwhisper which became the solemn scene,saidobservedsaid to Miſs Edwardes, "The gentleman wepaſsed in the paſsage, was Mr . Musgrave, then. wasit? — He is reckoned remarkably agreable I un::derstand. —" Miſs E.Edwardes answered hesitatingly — "Yes — — he is very much liked by many people. — But weare not very intimate. —" "He is rich, is not he? —"
- 1.
- "&" and "y" altered to "Y"Back to context...
- 2.
- 'an' struck through several times, suggesting that it was separately deleted first before the whole passage was deleted.Back to context...
- 3.
- 'fl' written over 'ba'.Back to context...
- 4.
- 'dully' altered to 'duely'.Back to context...