The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
a second choice.match. " observed Mr . Edwardes. ––– "Carefulneſs —Discretion —The Caution should not be confined to ElderlyLadies, or to a second choice marriageconnection added his wife.It is quite as neceſsary to young Ladies in
theirfirst. choice. " — "Rather more so, my dear replied he —because young Ladies are
likely to feel theeffects of it longer. When an old Lady
playsthe fool, it is not in the course of naturethat she should suffer from
it many years."
Emma drew her hand acroſs her eyes – &Mrs . Edwards on perceiving it, changed thesubject to one of leſs anxiety to all. –––
With nothing to do but to expect the hourof setting off, the afternoon was long to
thetwo young Ladies; & tho’though Miſs Edwards wasrather discomposed at the very early
hourwhich her mother always fixed for going,that early hour itself was
watched for withsome eagerneſs. – The entrance of the
Tea thingsat 7 o’clock was some releif — & luckily Mr .& Mrs . Edwards always drank a dish ex::traordinary, &
ate an additional muffin when they were to going to sit up late, whichlengthened the ceremony to almost to the wished fordesirablemoment. At a little before 8, the Tomlinsons