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You will go early that Mrs . Edwards mayget a good place by the fire, & he nevercomes till late.;1&If the Osbornes are coming,he will wait in the PaſsageTea room, & come inwith them. — I should like to look inupon you Emma. If it was but a good daywith my Father, I wd .would wrap my self up, &James should drive me over, as soon asI had made Tea for him. —, & 2 I should bewith you by the time the Dancing began." "What! would you come late at nightin this Chair?" — "To be sure I would. –There, I said you were very refined; – &that's an instance of it. –" Emma for amoment made no answer —was silenced – at last she said –"I wish Elizabeth, you had not made a pointof my going to this Ball, I wish you weregoing instead of me. Your pleasure wouldbe greater than mine. I am a stranger here,& know nobody but the Edwardses; – myEnjoyment therefore must be very doubtful.Yours among all your acquaintance wd .wouldbe certain. – It is not too late to change.


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