Plan of a Novel: Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1034.1
relate to her the past events of his Life. ThisNarrative will reach through the greatest partof the 1.stvol.volume — as besides all the circumstancesof his attachment to her Mother & taheirMarriage,6.Mr . will comprehend his going to sea as 6.Chaplainto a distinguished NavalCharacter about the Court,his going afterwards to Court himself, whichintroduced him to a great variety of Characters & involved him in many interesting situations,concluding with his opinion of the Benefitsto result from Tythes being done away, & hishaving buried hisownMother (Heroine's lamentedGrandmother) in consequence of the HighPriestof the Parish in which she died, refusingto pay her Remains the respect due to them.The Father to be of a very literary turn, an Enthu::siast in Literature, nobody's Enemy but his own — at the same time most zealous in the discharge7.Mr Sherer.of his PastoralDuties, the model of an 7.exemplaryParishPriest. — The heroine's friendship to besought after by a young Woman in the same8.Mary CookeNeighbourhood, of 8.Talents & Shrewdneſs, with light eyes & a fair skin, but having a considerabledegree of Wit, Heroine shall shrink from theacquaintance. — From this outset, the Story will proceed, & contain a striking variety of adventures.9.Many CriticsHeroine & her Father never above a 9.fortnighttogether in one place, he beingdriven from his Curacy