Lady Susan: Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1226
morning a letter from the Lady with whom she hasplaced her daughter, to request that Miſs Vernon might be immediately removed, as she had been detected in an attempt to run away. Why, or whither she intend::ed to go, does not appear; but as her situation seems to have been unexceptionable, it is a sad thing &of course highly afflicting to Lady Susan. –––
Frederica must be as much as sixteen, &ought to know better, but from what her Mother in::sinuates I am afraid she is a perverse girl. Shehas been sadly neglected however, & her Motherought to remember it. —
Mr . Vernon set off for Town as soon as she had determined what should be done. He isif poſsible to prevail on Miſs Summers to let Frede::rica continue with her, & if he cannot succeed, to bring her to Churchill for the present, till some other