Lady Susan: Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1226
Tell him so, with my congratulations; – but betweenourselves, I must own it has only convinced me ofmy Brother's having no present intention of marry::ing Lady Susan — not that he is in no danger ofdoing so three months hence. ––– He gives a very plausible account of her behaviour at Langford, I wish it may be true, but his intelligence must comefrom herself, & I am leſs disposed to beleive it, than to lament the degree of intimacy subsisting betweenthem, implied by the discuſsion of such a subject.
I am sorry to have incurred his displea::sure, but can expect nothing better while he is sovery eager in Lady Susan's justification. – He is very severe against me indeed, & yet I hope I have notbeen hasty in my judgement of her. — Poor Woman! tho' I have reasons enough for my dislike, I can not help pitying her at present as she is in realdistreſs, & with too much cause. – She had this