Lady Susan: Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1226
situation can be found for her. — Her Ladyship is comforting herself meanwhile by strolling along theShrubbery with Reginald, calling forth all his ten::der feelings I suppose on this distreſsing occasion. She has been talking a great deal about it to me, she talks vastly well, I am afraid of being unge::nerous or I should say she talks too well to feelso very deeply. But I will not look for Faults. Shemay be Reginald's Wife — Heaven forbid it! — but why should I be quicker sighted than any bodyelse? — Mr . Vernon declares that he never sawdeeper distreſs than hers, on the receipt of the Letter –& is his Judgement inferior to mine? —
She was very unwilling that Frederica should be allowed to come to Churchill, & justlyenough, as it seems a sort of reward to Behaviourdeserving very differently. But it was impoſsible to