Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
at his politeneſs, which they agreed served onlyto make their Conduct appear more inexcu::sable in trespaſsing on his time.
The young Ladies soon entered the room. The eldest of them was about seventeen, theother, several years younger. Mr Gower hadno sooner fixed his Eyes on Miſs Webb than hefelt that something more was neceſsaryto his happineſs than the house he hadjust received – Mrs Webb introduced himto her daughter. "Our dear freind Mr Gowermy Love —He has been so good as to ac:: cept of this house, small as it is, &to promise to keep it for ever." "Give me leave to as::sure you Sir, said Miſs Webb, that I amhighly sensible of your kindneſs in thisrespect, which from the shortneſs of myFather's & Mother's acquaintance withyou, is more than usually flattering."