Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
two amiable Girls, for whom since her earliest years, she had felt the
tenderest regard. Theywere the daughters of the Clergyman of the Parishwith whose
Family, while it had continued there,her
Aunt had been on the most intimate terms,and the little Girlstho'though separated for the greatestpart of the year by the
different Modes of theirEducation, were constantly together during
theholidays of the Miſs Wynnes;. they were compa::nions in their walks, their Schemes
& Amuse::ments, and while the sweetneſs of their
disposi::tions had prevented any serious Quarrels, the triflingdisputes which it was impoſsible wholly to avoid,had been far from leſsening their affection. In thosedays of happy Childhood, now so often regretted by Kitty this arbour had
been formed, and separated perhapsfor ever from these dear
freinds, it encouraged
morethan any other place the tender and Melanchollyrecollections of hours rendered pleasant by them, atone so sorrowful, yet so soothing! It was now twoyears since
the death of Mr Wynne, and the conse::quent dispersion of his Family who had been left by
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