Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
supposing that they now were both alive."His Lordship seemed loſsed in astonishment.Lady ––– could not support the mention ofher Son, and left the room in tears; therest of the Family remained attentivelylistening, almost persuaded that Mr Gowerwas distracted. "Mr Gower, replied his LordshipThis is a very odd question — It appears tome that you are supposing an impoſsibility – No one can more sincerely regret the deathof my Son than I have always done, and it gives me great concern to know thatMiſs Gower's was hastened by his –. Yet to suppose them alive is destroying at once theMotive for a change in my sentiments con::cerning the affair." "My Lord, replied Mr Gower in anger, I see that you are a mostinflexible Man, and that not even the deathof your Son can make you wish his futureLife happy. I will no longer detain your Lord==ship