Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
with whom we both happened to be connected –.During our visit, the Weather being
remarkablybad, and out party particularly stupid, she
wasso good as to conceive a violent partialityfreindship forme, which very soon turned intosettled in1 a downrightFreindship,
and ended in an established corres::pondence.
She is probably by this time as tiredof me, as I am of her; but
as she is toopolite and I am too civil to say so, our
lettersare still as frequent and affectionate as ever,and
our Attachment as firm and sincere aswhen
it was first commenced. –As she has
agreat taste for the pleasures of London, and the Amuse::ments of Brighthelmstone, she will I dare say find
- 1.
- 'settled in' written over erased 'turned into'.Back to context...