has her own way, and very lively when she isnot out of humour. She is naturally extrava::gant and not very affected; she never readsany thing but the letters she receives from me,and never writes any thing but her answersto them. She plays, sings & Dances, but hasno taste for either, and excells in none, tho'thoughshe says she is paſsionately fond of all. Perhapsyou may flatter me so far as to be surprisedthat one of whom ofI1 speak with so little affec::tion should be my particular freind; but to tellyou the truth, our freindship arose rather fromCaprice on her side,herself than Esteem on mine. We spenttwo or three days together with a Lady in Berkshire


'I' written over erased 'of'.Back to context...
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