Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
some difficulty in prevailing on
herself even to satisfythe curiositycertainty I dare say she feels of beholding you,at the
expence of quitting those
favourite hauntsof Di[..]ſsipation1, for the melancholy tho'though venerablegloom of the castle you inhabit. Perhaps
howeverif she finds her health impaired by too much a::musement, she may acquire fortitude
sufficient toundertake a Journey to
Scotland in the hope of its prov::ing at
least beneficial to her health, if not conduciveto her
happineſs. Your fears I am sorry to say, con::cerning your father's extravagance, your
own fortunes,your MothersJewels and your Sister's
consequence, Ishould suppose are but too well founded. My freindherself has four thousand pounds,
and will proba::bly
- 1.
- 'ſs' appear to be written over at least two erased letters, possibly suggesting an initial spelling mistake.Back to context...