Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
and every eye was directed to the corner in which Isat. "Oh! my Isabel (continued I throwing myself, a--croſs Lady Dorothea into her arms) receive oncemore to your Bosom the unfortunate Laura. Alas!when we last parted in the Vale of Usk, I was hap::py in being united to the best of Edwards; I hadthen a Father & a Mother, & had never known mis::fortunes — But now deprived of every freind butyou –––"
"What! (interrupted Augusta) is my Brother deadthen? Tell us I intreat you what is become of him?"
"Yes, cold & insensible Nymph, (replied I) that luck--leſs Swain your Brother, is no more, & you maynow glory in being the Heireſs of Sir Edward's fortune."
Although I had always despised her from the DayI had overheard her conversation with my Edward,yet in civility I complied with hers & Sir Edward'sintreaties that I would inform them of the wholemelancholy Affair. They were greatly shocked –––Even the obdurate Heart of Sir Edward& the insen::sible one of Augusta, were touched with Sorrow, bythe unhappy tale. At the request of your Mother