Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
"What an illiterate villain must that Man be! (thoughtI to myself) What a total Want of delicate refinementmust he have, who can thus shock our sensesby such a brutal Noise! He must I am certainbe capable of every bad Action! [.]There1 is no crimetoo black for such a Character!" Thus reasoned Iwithin myself, & doubtleſs such were the re::flections of my fellow travellers.
At length, returning Day enabled meto behold the unprincipled Scoundrel who had soviolently disturbed my feelings. It was Sir Edwardthe father of my DeceasedHusband. By his side, sateAugusta, & on the same seat with me were your Mother& Lady Dorothea. Imagine my Surprize at findingmyself thus seated amongst my old Acquaintance.Great as was my astonishment, it was yet in::creased, when on looking out of Windows, I beheld theHusband of Philippa, with Philippa by his side, onthe Coach-box, & whenon looking behind I beheld, Phi::lander & Gustavus in the Basket. "Oh! Heavens, (ex::claimed I) is it poſsible that I should so unexpect::edly be surrounded by my nearest Relations andConnections" ? These words rouzed the rest of the Party,
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