Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
Body & if not too violent, is I dare say conducive to Healthin its consequences — Run mad as often as you chuse;but do not faint —".
These were the lastwords she ever addreſsed to me...It was her dieingAdvice to her afflicted Laura, whohas ever most faithfully adhered to it.
After having attended my lamented freind to herEarlyGrave, I immediately (tho'though late at night) leftthe detested Villagein whichwhere she died, & near which hadexpired my Husband & Augustus. I had not
walkedmany yards from it before I was overtaken by a Stage--Coach, in which I
instantly took a place, determinedto proceed in it to
Edinburgh, where I hoped to find somekind some pitying
Freind who would receive & com::fort
me in my Afflictions.
It was so dark when I entered the Coachthat I could not distinguish the Number of myFellow-travellers; I could only perceive that theywere
Many. Regardleſs
however of any thing con::cerning them, I
gave myself up to my own sadReflections.
A generalmutualSilence prevailed amongstus all – A Silence, which was by
nothing interruptedbut by the loud & repeated Snores of one of the Party.