Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
very plain & her name was Bridget.... Nothingtherefore could be expected from her – – – she couldnot be supposed to poſseſs either exalted Ideas,DelicateFeelings or refined Sensibilityies1–––She was nothing more than a mere good--tempered, civil & obliging YoungWoman; assuch we could scarcely dislike her — shewas only an Object of Contempt —. Adeiu
Laura –––
Letter the 14th
Laura in continuation
Arm yourself my amiable YoungFreind withall the philosophy you are Mistreſs of; summonup all the fortitude you poſseſs, for Alas! in theperusal of the following Pages your sensibilitywill be most severely tried. Ah! what were theMisfortunes I had before experienced & which I havealready related to you, to the one I am now goingto inform you of! The Death of my Father my Mother,and my Husband though almost more than mygentle Nature could support, were trifles in com::parison to the misfortune I am now proceedingto relate.
- 1.
- 'Sensibility' altered to 'Sensibilities' by overwriting of 'y' with 'ies'.Back to context...