Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
on those elms –. They remind me of Augustus –. Hewas like them, tall, magestic. –. he poſseſsed thatnoble grandeur which you admire in them."
I was silent, fearfull lest I might anymore unwillingly distreſs her by fixing on anyother subject of conversation which might againremind her of Augustus.
"Why do you not speak my Laura? (said sheafter a short pause) I cannot support this si::lence – you must not leave me to my own reflec::tions; they ever recur to Augustus."
"What a beautifullSky! (said I) How charminglyis the azure varied by those delicate streaks ofwhite!"
"Oh! my Laura (replied she hastily withdrawing her Eyesfrom a momentary glance at the sky) do not thus dis::treſ me by calling my Attention to an object which socruelly reminds me of my Augustus's blue sattinWaistcoat striped with white! In pity to your un::happy freind avoid a subject so distreſsing." What couldI do? The feelings of Sophia were at that time so ex::quisite, & the tenderneſs she felt for Augustus sopoignant that I had not power to start any other