Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
hearts have long detested thee, & nothing but ourfreindship for thy Daughter could have inducedus to remain so long beneath thy roof."
"Your Freindship for my Daughter has indeedbeen most powerfully exerted by throwing herinto the arms of an unprincipled Fortune-hunter." (replied he)
"Yes, (exclaimed I) amidst every misfortune, itwill afford us some consolation to reflect thatby this one act of Freindship to Janetta, we haveamply discharged every obligation that we havereceived from her father."
"It must indeed be a most gratefull reflection,to your exalted minds." (said he.)
As soon as we had packed up our ward--robe & valuables, we left Macdonald Hall, & afterhaving walked about a mile & a half we satedown by the side of a clear limpid stream torefresh our ex[....]hausted1 limbs. The place was suit::ed to meditation –. A Grove of full-grown Elms shel::tered us from the East —. A Bed of full-grown Nettlesfrom the West —. Before us ran the murmuring brook& behind us ran the turn-pike road. We were ina mood for contemplation & in a Disposition to enjoy
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