Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
better than any one she knew besides. This confeſsionsatisfied us and after having enumerated the goodQualities of M'Kenzie & aſsured herthat she was violentlyin love with him, we desired to know whether hehad ever in any wise declared his Affection to her.
"So far from having ever declared it, I have no rea::son to imaginethat he has ever felt any for me."
saidJanetta. "That he certainly adores you (replied
Sophia)there can be no doubt –. The Attachment must bereciprocal —. Did he never gaze on you with Admiration — tenderly
preſs your hand — drop an
involantarytear — & leave the room abruptly?" "Never (replied She)that I remember – he has always left the room indeedwhen
his visit has been ended, but has never goneaway
particularly abruptly or without making a bow." "Indeed
my Love (said I) you must be mistaken –.for it is absolutely impoſsible that he should everhave left you but with with, Confusion, Despair,& Precipitation –. Consider but for a moment Janetta,&
you must be convinced how absurd it is to sup::pose that he could ever make a Bow, or behavelike any other Person"other People." Having settled this Point to