that she ought to feel none. The very circumstance of herhis1his being her father's choice too, was so much in hisdisfavour, that had he been deserving her, in every otherrespect yet that of itself ought to have been a suffici::ent reason in the Eyes of Janetta for rejecting him.These considerations we were determined to representto her in their proper light & doubted not of meetingwith the desired Succeſs from one naturally so welldisposed, whose errors in the affair had only arisenfrom a want of proper confidence in her own opi::nion, & a suitable contempt of her father's. Wefound her indeed all that our warmest wishescould have hoped for; we had no difficulty to con::vince her that it was impoſsible she could loveGraham, or that it was her Duty to disobey her Father; the only thing at which she rather seemedto hesitate was our aſsertion that she must beattached to some other Person. For some time, shepersevered in declaring that she knew no other per::sonyoung Man for whom she had the smallest Affection;but upon explaining the impoſsibility of such a thingshe said that she beleived she did like Captain M'Ken::zie


Either 'her' has been erased and overwritten with 'his', or vice versa. Subsequently she begins again on a fresh line. Back to context...
Image for page: 36 of manuscript: blvolsecond