Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
pretend to determine." He folded her in his arms, andwhilst they were tenderly embracing, the Door of theApartment opened and a most beautifullYoungManappeared. On perceiving him Lord St Clair started &retreating back a few paces, with uplifted Hands, said, "Another Grand-child! What an unexpected Happineſsis this! to discover in the space of 3 minutes, asmany of my Descendants! This, I am certain is Phi::lander the son of my Laurina's 3dGirl the amiableBertha; there wants now but the presence of Gustavusto compleat the Union of my Laurina's Grand-Children."
"And here he is; (said a GracefullYouth who thatinstant entered the room) here is the Gustavus you de::sire to see. I am the son of Agatha your Laurina's 4th& YoungestDaughter." "I see you are indeed; replied LordSt : Clair — But tell me (continued he looking fearfullytowards the Door) tell me, have I any other Grand==Children in the House." "None my Lord." "Then I willprovide with for you1 all without farther delay — Here are4 Banknotes of 50£ each — Take them & rememberI have done the Duty of a Grandfather —." He instantlyleft the Room & immediately afterwards the House.
- 1.
- 'for you' written over erased 'with'.Back to context...