Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
receiving me." "Shall I order the Boy to drive there?" said I — but instantly recollecting myself,
exclaimed, "AlasI fear it will be too long a Journey for the Horses." Un::willing however
to act only from my own inadequateKnowledge of the Strength & Abilities of Horses, I
consultedthe Postilion, who was entirely
of my Opinion concerningthe Affair. We therefore determined to change Horsesat the next Town & to travel Post the
remainder ofthe Journey. –. When we arrived at the last Inn
wewere to stop at, which was but a few miles from theHouse of Sophia's Relation, unwilling to intrude ourSociety on him unexpected & unthought of, we wrote
avery elegant & well-penned Note to
him containing anAccount of our Destitute & melancholy Situation,
and ofour intention to spend some months with him in Scot::land. As soon as we had dispatched this Letter, weimmediately prepared to follow ither in person & werestepping into the Carriage for that Purpose when ourAttention was
attracted by the Entrance of a
coronetedCoach & 4 into the Inn-yard. A Gentleman
considerablyadvanced in years, descended from it –. At his firstAppearance my Sensibility was
wonderfully affected& e'er I had gazed at him a 2d
time, an instinctive Sympathy whispered
to my Heart, that he was my Grandfather.