Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
:ged her to a Carriage I had ordered & we instantlyset out for
London. As the Habitation of Augustuswas
within twelvesix miles of Town, it was not
longe'er we arrived
there, & no sooner had we enteredHolbournPiccadilly than letting down one of the FrontGlaſsesI enquired of every
decent-looking Person that wepaſsed "If they had seen my Edward" ?
But as we drove too rapidly to allow themto answer my repeated Enquiries, I gained little, orindeed, no information concerning him. "Where am Ito Drive?" said the Postilion. "To Newgate GentleYouth (replied I), to see Augustus." "Oh! no, no, (ex::claimed Sophia) I cannot go to Newgate; I shall notbe able to support the sight of my Augustus in socruel a confinement — my feelings are sufficientlyshocked by the recital, of his Distreſs, but to beholdit will overpower my Sensibility." As I perfectlyagreed with her in the Justice of her Sentimentsthe Postilion was instantly directed to return intothe Country. You may perhaps have been somewhatsurprized my Dearest Marianne, that in the Dis::treſs I then endured, destitute of any Support,&un provided with any Habitation, I should never once