Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
when our visit to them commenced during whichtime they had been amply supported by a conside::rable sum of Money which Augustus had gracefullypurloined from his Unworthy father's Escritoire, afew days before his union with Sophia.
By our arrival their Expensces1 were
con::siderably encreasedtho'though their means for supplyingthem were then nearly
exhausted. But they, ExaltedCreatures!, scorned to reflect a moment on
their pe::cuniary Distreſses & would have blushed at theidea
of paying their Debts. — Alas!
what was theirReward for such disinterested Behaviour! The beau::tifull Augustus was
arrested and we were all un::done. Such
perfidious Treachery in the mercileſsperpetrators of the Deed
will shock your gentle na::ture Dearest Marianne as much as it
then affectedthe DelicateSensibility of Augus Edward, Sophia,your Laura, & of Augustus
himself. To compleatsuch
unparalelledBarbarity we were informed thatan Execution in the House would shortly take
place.Ah! what could we do but what we did! Wesighed &
fainted on the Sofa. Adeiu
- 1.
- First 's' has been altered to 'c'.Back to context...