perfect to be lasting. A most severe & unexpect::ed Blow at once destroyed every Sensation ofPleasure. Convinced as you must be from whatI have already told you concerning Augustus &Sophia, that there neverwerewerewere a happier Couple,I need not I imagineinform you that their unionhad been contrary to the inclinations of theirCruel & MerceneryParents; who had vainly en::deavoured with obstinate Perseverance to forcethem into a Marriage with thosewhom they had everabhorred; but with an HeroicFortitude worthyto be related & Admired, they had both, constantlyrefused to submit to suchtheir despotic will Power.

After having so nobly disentangled them::selves from the Shackles of ParentalAutho::rity, by a ClandestineMarriage, they were deter::mined never to forfeit thegood opinion they hadgained in the World, inby so doing, by acceptingany proposals of reconciliation that might beoffered them by their Fathers — to this farthertryal of their noble independance however theynever were exposed.

They had been married but a few months

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