a young and illiterate Fortune-hunter. This imprudentStep (tho'though we were sensible that it would probablydeprive us of that fortunewhich Philippa had ever taughtus to expect) could not on our own accounts, excitefrom our exalted Minds a single sigh; yet fearfulllest it might prove a source of endleſs1 miseryto the deluded Bride, our trembling Sensibility wasgreatly affected when we were first informed of theEvent. The affectionate Entreaties of Augustus andSophia that we would for ever consider their Houseas our Home, easily prevailed on us to determine nevermore to leave them –. In the Society of my Edward &this AmiablePair, I paſsed the happiest momentsof my Life; Our time was most delightfully spent,in mutual Protestations of Freindship, & in vowsof unalterable Love, in which we were securefrom being interrupted, & by intruding & disagreableVisitors, as Augustus & Sophia had on their firstEntrance in the Neighbourhood, taken due care toinform the surrounding Families, that as theirHappineſscentered wholly in themselves, theywished for no other society. But alas! my DearMarianne such Happineſs as Itheren enjoyed was too


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