Letter the Tenth

From Miſs Margaret Lesley to Miſs Charlotte Luttrell.

 Portman Square April 13th

My dear Charlotte

We left Lesley-Castle on the 28th oflast Month, and arrived safely1 in London aftera Journey of seven Days; I had the pleasureof finding your Letter here waiting my Arrival,for which you have my grateful Thanks. Ah!my dear Freind I every day more regret the se::rene & tranquil Pleasures of the Castle we have left, in exchange for the uncertain & unequalAmusements of this vaute nted2City. Not thatI will pretend to aſsert that these uncertainand unequal Amusements are in the least


Originally 'safe'; altered to 'safely' by inline insertion of 'ly'.Back to context...
Last four letters written over erased 'te'.Back to context...
Image for page: 142 of manuscript: blvolsecond