Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
another without our supposing that he is ever paid for it, and provided he does hisDuty by our Sex, we care not how Polite heis to his own.
Mrs Luttrell will be so good
as to acceptmy bestCompliments, Charlotte, my Love, and Eloisa the best wishes for the recoveryof hiser1Health & Spirits
that can be offeredby her AffectionateFreind E. Marlowe.
I am afraid that this Letter will bebut a
poor Specimen of my powers in theWittyWay; and your opinion of them willnot be
greatly increased when I aſsure youthat I have as2 been as
entertaining as Ipoſsibly could –––.
- 1.
- 'his' altered to 'her by overwriting 'is' with 'er'.Back to context...
- 2.
- 'as' erased after 'have'.Back to context...