Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
could by them scarcely be credited. The subjectbeing
now fairly introduced and she foundherself the
object of every one’sgeneral attention in com--pany, she
lost all her confusion & becameperfectly
unreserved & communicative.
"I wonder you should never have heard ofit before for in general things of this Natureare very well known in the Neighbourhood."
"I aſsure you said Jemima I never had theleast suspicion of such an affair. Has itbeen in agitation long?"
"Oh! yes, ever since Wednesday." They all smiled particularly Mr Brudenell.
"You must know Mr Watts is very muchin love with me, so that it is quite a matchof Affection on his side."
"Not on his only, I suppose" said Kitty.
"Oh! when there is so much Love on one sidethere is no occasion for it on the other. HoweverI do not much dislike him tho’though he is veryplain to be sure."
Mr Brudenell stared, the Miſs Duttons laughed