Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
From the Same to the Same
Dear Anne | Saturday |
Mary eager to have every one know of
herapproaching Wedding &
more particularly desirousof triumphing as she
called it over the Duttons,desired us to walk with
her this Morning to Stone--ham. As we had nothing else to do we
readilyagreed, & had as pleasant a walk as we
couldhave with Mary whose conversation entirely
consistedin abusing the Man
she is so soon to marry &in longing for a blue
Chaise spotted with Silver.When we reached the
Duttons we found thetwo Girls
in the dreſsing-room with a
veryhandsome YoungMan, who was of course intro--duced to us. He is the son of Sir Henry
Brude--nell of Leicestershire. Not related to the Family& even but distantly
connected with it. HisSister
is married to John Dutton’s Wife’sBrother.When you have puzzled over
this account alittle you will understand
it. Mr Brudenellis
the handsomest Man I ever saw in
myLife; we are all three
very much pleasedwith him. Mary, who from the
moment ofour reaching the Dreſsing-room had been