Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
that to please Mr W. it should be a dark brown& to please Mary it should be hung rather high& have a silver Border. This was at lengthagreed to, tho'though reluctantly on both sides, as eachhad intended to carry their point entire. We thenproceeded to other Matters, & it was settled thatthey should be married as soon as the Writings couldbe completed. Mary was very eager for a SpecialLicence & Mr Watts talked of Banns. A commonLicence was at last agreed on. Mary is to have all the FamilyJewels which are very inconside--rable I beleive & Mr W. promised to buy her aSaddle horse; but in return she is not to expectto go to Town or any other public place for thise1three Years. She is to have neither Greenhouse,Theatre or Phaeton; to be contented with one Maidwithout an additional Footman. It engroſsed thewhole Evening to settle these affairs; Mr W. suppedwith us & did not go till twelve. As soon as hewas gone Mary exclaimed "Thank Heaven! he's offat last; how I do hate him!" It was in vainthat Mama represented to her the improprietyshe was guilty of in disliking him who wasto be her Husband, for she persisted in declaringher aversion to him & hoping she might neversee him again. What a Wedding will this be!Adeiu my dear Anne —YrYour faithfully Sincere
Georgiana Stanhope
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- 'this' altered to 'thise' (for 'these').Back to context...