Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
truly YoungLady. You had better discard them be::fore you marry, or you will be obliged to do it af--terwards."
My Mother in the meantime was lecturingMary who was sensible that she had gonetoo far, & when Mr Watts was just turningtowards me in order I beleive to addreſs me, shespoke to him in a voice half humble, half sulky."
"You are mistaken Mr Watts if you thinkI was in earnest when I said I expected somuch. However I must have a new Chaise."
"Yes Sir, you must allow that Mary hasa right to expect that."
"Mrs Stanhope, I mean & have alwaysmeant to have a new one on my Marriage.But it shall be the colour of my presentone."
"I think Mr Watts you should pay my Girlthe compliment of consulting her Tasteon such Matters."
Mr Watts would not agree to this, & for sometime insisted upon its being a Chocolate colour,while Mary was as eager for having it blue withsilver Spots. At length however Sophy proposed