Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
and every autumn at a WateringPlace, and ifwe are at home the rest of the year (Sophy & I laugh::ed) You must do nothing but give Balls andMasquerades. You must build a room on purpose& a Theatre to act Plays in. The first Play wehave shall be Which is the Man and I willdo Lady Bell Bloomer."
"And pray Miſs Stanhope (said Mr Watts)What am I to expect from you in return forall this."
"Expect? why you may expect to have me pleas--ed."
"It would be odd if I did not. Your expectationsMadam are too high for me, & I must apply to Miſs Sophy who perhaps may not have raisedher's so much."
"You are mistaken Sir in supposing so, (saidSophy) for tho'though they may not be exactly in thesame Line, yet my expectations are to the fullas high as my Sister's; for I expect my Husbandto be good tempered & Chearful; to consult myHappineſs in all his actions, & to love mewith Constancy & Sincerity."
Mr Watts stared. "These are very odd Ideas