Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
sooner than risk his
offering to Sophy or mewhich in case of a refusal
from refusalherself1, hetold her he should do,should be the case, for you must knowthat the poor Girl considers our
marryingbefore her as one of the greatest
misfortunesthat can poſsibly befall
her, & to prevent itwould willingly ensure
herself everlastingMisery by
a Marriage with Mr Watts. Anhour ago she came to us to
sound our incli::nations
respecting the affair which wereto determine hers.
A little before shecame my Mother had given us an ac::count of it, telling us that
she certain::ly would not let him
go farther thanour family for a Wife. "And therefore (saidshe) If Mary
wont have him Sophy must, &if Sophy wont
Georgiana shall." Poor
Geor::giana! – We neither of us attempted toalter my Mother's resolution, which I amsorry to say is generally morest strictly kept& than rationally formed. As soon as
shewas gone however I broke silence toaſsure Sophy that if Mary should
refuseMr Watts I should not
expect her to sa:
- 1.
- Written over an erased word:'refusal'[?]Back to context...