Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
:crifice her happineſs by becoming hisWife from a motive of Generosity to me,which I was afraid her Good nature andSisterly affection might induce her to do.
"Let us flatter ourselves (replied She) thatMary will not refuse him. Yet how canI hope that my Sister may accept a Manwho cannot make her happy."
"He cannot it is true — but his Fortunehis Name, his House, his Carriage willand I have no doubt but that Mary willmarry him; indeed why should she not?He is not more than two & thirty; avery proper age for a Man to marry at;He is rather plain to be sure, but thenwhat is Beauty in a Man; if he hasbut a genteel figure & a sensible lookingFace it is quite sufficient."
"This is all very true Georgiana but MrWatts's figure is unfortunately extremely vul::gar & his Countenance is very heavy."
"And then as to his temper; it has beenreckoned bad, but may not the World be deceivedin their Judgement of it. There is an open