Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
Fanny is to ask Sophy & Georgiana whether theywould have him were he to make proposals tothem, & if they say they would not I am re--solved to refuse him too, for I hate him morethan you can imagine. As for the Duttonsif he marries one of them I shall still havethe triumph of having refused him first.So, adeiu my dear Freind —YrsYours ever M S.
Miſs Georgiana Stanhope to Miſs x x x
WednesdayMy dear Anne
Sophy & I have just been practisinga little deceit on our eldest Sister, to whichwe are not perfectly reconciled, & yet the circum::stances were such that if any thing willexcuse it, they must. Our neighbour Mr Wattshas made proposals to Mary; Proposals whichshe knew not how to receive, for tho' she has aparticular Dislike to him (in which she is notsingular) yet she would willingly marry him