Lady Percival was young, accomplished & lovely.Sir William adored her & she consented to be::come his Wife. Vehemently preſsed by Sir Williamto name the Day in which he might conducther to the Altar, she at length fixed on thefollowing Monday, which was the first of Sep::tember. Sir William was a Shot & couldnot support the idea of losing such a Day, evenfor such a Cause. He begged her to delaythe Wedding a short time. Lady Percival wasenraged & returned to London the next Morning.

Sir William was sorry to lose her, but[.]as he knew that he shouldwould1 have been much more greivedbyat theLoſs of the 1st of September, his Sorrow wasnot without a mixture of Happineſs, & hisAffliction was considerably leſsened by hisJoy.

After staying atthe aVillage a few weekslonger, he left it & went to a freind'sHouse


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