in Surry. Mr Brudenell was a sensible Man, &had a beautifullNeice with whom Sir Williamsoon fell in love. But Miſs Arundel was cruel;she preferred a Mr Stanhope: Sir William shotMr Stanhope; the lady had then no reason torefuse him; she accepted him, & they were tobe married on the 27th of October. But on the25th Sir William received a visit from EmmaStanhope the sister of the unfortunate Victimof his rage. She begged some recompence, someatonement for the cruel Murder of her Brother.Sir William bade her name her price. She fixedon S./14.1 Sir William offered her himself & Fortune. They went to London the next day &were there privately married. For a fortnightSir William was compleatly happy, butchancing one day to see a a charming young


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